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Allison C Wheeler
May 5, 2021
My Personal Experience with Depression and How God Helped Me / Part 3: How to Use Your Sword
I had been reading God’s word, memorizing it, and studying it all my life and yet somehow, I knew I wasn’t using it to its fullest capacity.

Allison C Wheeler
May 5, 2021
My Personal Experience with Depression and How God Helped Me / Part 2: We are in a Spiritual War
Battle is not won by fighting defensively. You win the battle when you fight OFFENISIVELY!! We have a sword to fight depression with and win

Allison C Wheeler
May 5, 2021
My Personal Experience with Depression and How God Helped Me / Part 1: Major Depressive Disorder
I had a friend with cancer, fighting for her life… and here I was… healthy, and contemplating taking my life… what kind of psycho was I ?!

Allison C Wheeler
May 2, 2021
Depression Tries to Keep Me Silent
I have listened the lies that kept me silent for far too long! They still shout at me, but now I am learning how to fight them and win.

Allison C Wheeler
Apr 26, 2021
Fear is a Terrible Master
We have all struggled with fear in some way, shape or form. I had never known fear so strongly until I became a mother.

Allison C Wheeler
Apr 20, 2021
When you don't know how to pray
In the depths of my depression the world felt overwhelmingly dark. As a strong Christian, I no longer knew how to pray.

Allison C Wheeler
Apr 14, 2021
When I Almost Lost My Faith
The devil tried so hard to steal my faith. He whispered to me that God was not good. Suffering and injustice are the seed of Satan. He cause

Allison C Wheeler
May 11, 2020
I'm a Christian and I have struggled with suicidal thoughts
The church still shuns people with mental illness very often. I do believe many churches are getting it right. But there are also still...

Allison C Wheeler
May 11, 2020
The Sacrifice of Praise
"Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that openly profess his name" Hebrews 13:15 Some days I really...

Allison C Wheeler
May 11, 2020
The Pursuit of Happiness
We live in a world so focused on pursuing happiness. Do whatever makes you feel happy. Marriages don’t last because "you just don’t make...
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